Range Safety Rules
- Using any part of Skookum Archery Club property or facilities means individual(s) have read, understand, and agree to follow Skookum Archery Club rules. Failures to follow any of the rules are grounds for immediate dismissal from the property without reimbursement.
- All non-members must register and pay at the Pro-Shop or insert payment via the pay box of the daily range fee before using any part of Skookum Club property, ranges, or facilities. There is no charge for children under 12 years old. All youth must be supervised by an adult.
- No firearms are allowed to be used on the property. Crossbows and atlatls are allowed in the broadhead sand pits only. Pistol-style cross-bows are prohibited.
- Skookum Archery Club members must display their membership card while using the range or facilities.
- This club is policed by its membership, all members are authorized to enforce club rules.
- The public facilities are open every day between sunrise and sunset unless otherwise posted.
- Littering will not be tolerated.
- Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on any shooting range or in the clubhouse.
- Pets must be leashed, controlled by their owner, and cleaned up after.
- No Hunting or shooting of wildlife. Skookum Archery Club is a designated backyard wildlife sanctuary.
- Smoking is not permitted inside the clubhouse or within 25 feet of doorways as per Washington State Law. Smoking on the Premises may be temporarily banned due to hazardous conditions.
- Broadheads are only permitted to be used on the designated broadhead sandpits located on the flat range. Any broadheads (including practice blades) are prohibited on the walk-through courses. Members may bring their own block targets onto the members-only range to practice.
- Enter the walk-through courses at designated entry points and proceed forward until you reach the exit. NEVER backtrack on the walk-through courses or use service roads.
- Shooting is only allowed from within the established shooting lanes and stakes, shooting across lanes or from the brush or trees is prohibited.
- When retrieving arrows from behind the target sheds on the walk-through course, always leave a marker in front of the target if shooting alone, or have someone stand in front of the target to alert other archers to your presence.
- No shooting is permitted where there are RANGE CLOSED signs posted.
- Over-bowed archers or individuals who sky their bows (pointing towards the sky to draw back) are prohibited from using Skookum Archery Club Ranges.
- Return all found arrows lost by other archers to one of the arrow buckets located outside of the Clubhouse. All returned arrows can be reclaimed at the next Skookum Archery hosted tournament.
- Game Calls may be used in the parking lot area areas during normal pro shop hours only.
- Any person found to be causing damage to Skookum Club Property or its neighbors due to negligent behavior will be held financially liable for repairs or replacement costs.
- Shooting safety: Always check to see that all archers on the entire shooting line or walk-through target stake have stopped shooting and it is clear to retrieve arrows from the targets. This includes the broadhead bales. Once the “CLEAR” phrase has been given, archers may advance to retrieve their arrows. When preparing to shoot, ensure that all archers have returned past the shooting position or advanced to the next shooting stke prior to continuing to shoot. If there is anyone down range, shooting is prohibited.
Revised by Skookum Board of Directors April 13, 2009, Adopted May 11, 2009, Effective Date May 12, 2009
Revised 2012 to allow broad heads on members range
Revised 2013 to allow Atlatls in sand pits
Revised 2024 to clarify Crossbow & broadhead rules